Travel à la Tendelle

How to call someone a Drunkard in Brazil

With the World Cup coming up, you will surely come upon many inebriated Brazilians and foreigners on the streets. Whereas in English I can only think of two ways to describe them – Alcoholic, Drunkard – the descriptive Brazilians have a ton of ways to playfully insult their indulgent friends. Throw these words around at the next party and impress your new friends!

Fun fact: Mineiros (Folks from Minas Gerais state, where the city Belo Horizonte is located) are known to be the most cachaçeiros in Brazil … I thought it was a myth until I met a Mineiro walking around the famous tourist site Pão de Açucar Sugar Loaf mountain in Rio with a bottle of cachaça in his hand

Us on sugar loaf mountain with the Mineiro (far left) Henrique, who has a bottle of Ypioca (cheap cachaça) in his hand. It was full at noon and gone by 6pm.