Spanish Stereotypes of Americans as seen at the Elrow Party in Barcelona

My rating: 7/10. Elrow is the most famous event producer to come out of Barcelona. In past years, they had hosted weekly themed parties in Barcelona. However, due to its fame it has moved its summer residency to Ibiza. Underground music, carnival-esque atmosphere. Worth every penny, even if you do not like techno. Oh, and great strawberry mojitos.

It’s a pity that Elrow moved its parties to Ibiza (and on international tour) because Barcelona lacks parties of such caliber. Elrow’s Bronx themed day party offered great underground dance music music with plenty of flair.

As an American, this party was especially amusing for me from the start. It paints you a great picture of what foreigners think of Americans in general, which is the following:

Hamburgers and Hot Dogs
Hamburgers and Hot Dogs
"Crime Scene Not Cross"
“Crime Scene Not Cross”
Statue of Liberty
Ketchup and Mustard
Ketchup and Mustard
A bazillion American flags
A bazillion American flags
Fire hydrants and "Brodway"
Fire hydrants, yellow traffic lights, and “Brodway”

Heck, there were even Jersey-type “bros”. The only thing American missing from the party were the red cups (how can they?) and American ratchetness. As per usual techno fashion, the crowd was kind of “pretentious” in attire and dancing, and no one talked to anyone. Those I did talk to I did not enjoy interactions with.

Despite being the best produced party I have been to in Barcelona (yes, better than the festivals Primavera Sound and Sonar), the crowd to me was really wack. It was a young, “bro-y” crowd. Incidents as these occurred:

First, this guy “borrowed” my Elrow fan then proceeded to put it in his pocket and pretended he did not have it. WTF!

Then, one person said to me “I’ve never met a Chinese person like this type of music” – argh I hate being assumed to be Chinese! – I told him I’m not Chinese, which really confused him.

Yet another Catalan guessed a series of Asian countries when he asked me where I was from (none correct) – I hate stereotypes! They seem to not be able to understand that an Asian can come from a non-Asian country. This actually doesn’t really happen to me in Northern European countries like Germany, the Netherlands, or the UK, so Spain has to catch up in this regard.

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My bright spot of the party was when a guy asked for a sip of my 10 euro mojito. He drank a lot of it but lent me his nose…

The party had 3 stages, 2 main stages where well-known techno/tech house DJs like Art Department. Although I’m not a huge tech house fan, I could appreciate the fantastic production and very engaging performers that walked through the crowd.

Elrow hosts many other parties around the world with different scenes – including Jungle Explorers theme, Andalucia theme, Asian theme, and more! Definitely worth visiting if the Elrow tour comes to your city.

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Spanish Stereotypes of Americans as seen at the Elrow Party in Barcelona! | Spain | Travel | Clubbing | Techno | EDM

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  1. […] the Elrow party, a Catalan guy asked me for a sip of my mojito. I handed him my cup, because, well, I’m a […]